PCS Technologies Inc., is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and has been operating since 2013. PCS has a patented, developed in-house process for the catalytic conversion of cellulosic organic waste into stable solid biofuels.
PCS stands for polymeric carbon solids, a new form of solid biofuel with modifiable properties, offering a range of industrial applications. PCS technologies’ global vision is to become the world’s leading licensor of green waste to energy, by converting common organic industrial and agricultural waste problems in municipalities into profitable green energy solutions.
PCS Biofuels
We Are
Recently PCS Technologies Inc. received a grant from the BC Government (BCBN) and the Korean Government (KETEP) to evaluate the scale-up of the PCS biofuel process to an industrial scale.
The project built and evaluated a 1,700 litre binary reactor system to produce PolyCarbon Solid (PCS) biofuel. The reactor system design concept was developed by PCS Technologies Inc. while the engineering and construction of the system was completed by Yulim Industrial Company Limited in Suncheon, Korea.
The results showed that biofuel made in an industrial scale was essentially identical to that produced in the laboratory
PCS Biofuel can replace coal used in pulverized coal injection (PCI) in the steel making process.
Laboratory scale testing at Canmet Energy has shown PCS biofuel produced from clean woody biomass to be an excellent replacement for coal used in the PCI process. The Canadian market for a PCI coal replacement has been estimated to be on the order of $50,000,000 per year.
“PCS biofuel provides a unique solution for PCI replacement by positively addressing the two most important requirements: the replacement material must burn ‘hot’, and there can be no ash residue in the blast furnace. For years workers have searched for a clean green PCI replacement without result. Other biofuel contenders such as wood pellets, and torrefied wood, lower the flame temperature and introduce large amounts of potassium, phosphorus and calcium ash that can damage the blast furnace walls, and become impurities in the steel requiring additional expensive removal processing. Testing by our collaborator CanmetENERGY (Natural Resources Canada) has shown that PCS biofuel increases burnout (a measure of flame front temperature) and, in addition, confirmed PCS biofuel contained no ash, making it ideal for PCI.”
-Professor G. McRae, Carleton University
THE PROBLEM: The world seeks new sources of cleaner energy as a means to mitigate: (i) diminishing fossil fuel reserves, (ii) the burning of coal (iii) air and ground water pollution and (iv) ever growing waste streams from animal, agricultural and human waste streams.
THE CHALLENGE: Biomass comes in many forms. It can be left alone to rot to generate methane a gas that is 21 times more harmful to the global warming than CO₂ and leach harmful compounds into ground water OR it can be processed into a biofuel and used as part of the solution to global environmental damage. In global warming considerations, the impact of CO2 and methane emissions which are produced by unused biomass has largely been ignored. The decomposition of dead plant material results in production of CO2 and methane (GHG’s) which are constantly being added into the global atmosphere.
THE SOLUTION: Researchers at PCS Technologies Inc. have developed a process to convert organic material into a solid biofuel through a hydrothermal polymerization process. The resulting biofuel is a high energy substitute for coal that will mitigate the emission of fossil-fuel greenhouse gases. The process uses a patented catalyst to allow the reaction to occur at temperatures at 220 - 240°C. Hydro-Thermal Polymerization (HTP) is a wet process where the feedstock is processed in an aqueous solution. Using a wet process eliminates the costly feedstock drying that is typical in torrifaction processes.
Converting Waste problems into Green Energy Solutions.
©2019 PCS Technologies Inc.